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Some useful facts I have learned since starting my journey with CI.
How Loud is it?

It's difficult to judge loudness, you have different  programs reacting in different ways. There is no real way to tell how loud the sounds in your environment are.
There are apps to download on your phone to measure loudness which also provide categories for different levels of sound. 
e.g. conversation 60 db
This will help setting up the volume of your processor during a mapping session. Measure how loud the family TV setting at home is , maybe you think it is too loud , the app can show the reality.

Programs to cater for different environments.

Your Audiologist is able to setup at least 3 different programs for your processor.
I have decided on the following 3.
1. A basic program that has built in intelligence for everyday use.
    I go back to this setting for the most difficult situations.
2. A music program with noise adjustment.
    My favourite program that I use most of the time.
    It provides for a larger dynamic range but cuts out unwanted  sounds like a PC fan or wind noise.
3. A straight music program.
    Am with the maximum dynamic range your Audiologist can create  with no other bells and whistles.
    Can only be used in a quiet environment, kettles boiling sound  like a jet plane.

Preparing for a mapping session.

Try and list all the things that you wish to discuss.
Select some voice and music on your phone to listen to during the mapping session.
As above try and get the best volume setting, this will allow you to get maximum adjustment from your controller.

Protecting your processor.
Wear a hat to cover the processors when in a dusty working situation (emptying the vacuum cleaner).
when among bushes or working in a confined space to prevent them being snagged and pulled off.
If you can hear the shower running you have forgotten to remove your processor.
Try and store processor in safe place when you remove it. 
At night in box without batteries.

Testing microphone covers.
I have found very little need to change covers.
In order to test filters listen using headphones and then with Bluetooth if they are dirty the Bluetooth should sound clearer. 
Remove the cover and listen without it ,  you should be able to hear an improvement if the cover is dirty.

After 4 years I'm still unable to listen to movies on TV and certain types of music especially singing voices.
A CI is never going to give back your hearing but it goes a long way and I feel grateful every day for being able to hear so well.

Medel has  the most comprehensive rehab exercises to be used with a partner.
The best program is Angel it allows you to assess yourself and then carry on with tests in an area to improve your hearing.
Rehab using a program allows you to repeat difficult speech and improve your hearing.
Another way is to use a method where you can listen and read the text together.
I have absolutely no doubt that practice with difficult speech conditions  and different types of music will improve ones overall hearing experience. 

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